I am but just a spent force.
I am a soul. A soul in the midst of nowhere, and am but just a spent force.

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And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I dont think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am.

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

As I decipher characters and note them down,
In Origami paper meant for mould .
Creation and Assumption,
In my eyes, were nothing special at all.

So I was at the gym with Jason just now. The equipment was very well maintained and we've made a pact to pay it a visit at least once a week. Hopefully we will be able to drag Angie along the next trip. Hehe. Yea, spent about 1 and a 1/2 hours there and it was a pretty new experience for me; havent actually been to a public gym before. The female instructor there had a fabulous tan, and one of the male instructors had biceps the size of my bulky head. Also, a few of them were unbearably childish, sneaking on each other from behind. The sneaky one was childish enough already, the other one was worse! He pretended not to know and when the other guy was near him, he turned around to "catch him red handed". -.- Yes they are all 40plus fellas. Hohoho. lol.

Proceeded on to queensway to buy shoes and did some "BudMac". Budget Macdonaldzering. The cheap, effective way to enjoying fast food at a lower rate. We also chose to miss the first busstop, and walk on to the next one, in hope that my Sundae would be finished by the time we reached.

Pretty amazing how famous Singaporean actors are. I saw this actor on my way home; it was a 0.2 second glance and I didnt bother to lookathim/askforhissignature/requestapicturetaken/sayhi and I continued on my way home. Imagine if I were to meet Ryan Giggs in a foreign country. Hmm.

Lies were what you hid
Those false security implanted
Oh, the irony, of life being an irony itself.
And let us all get away with it.

Those times when you told me your beliefs
And how I pushed you on

Those times I pushed you on
Was how I lost you.
And let me die away with it.

Your eyes were bright, your eyes were olive.
I found you everyday, everywhere.
Now those crestfallen pupils, misty greyed.
Lost I was, in search of you.

The shapes look brilliant.
A look of huge wings;
A sign of beau idol.
Yet all it was, rotting pieces
Eaten by roaches.
That was all it was.

6:02 AM
Monday, February 26, 2007

Training hit the hell outa me. A trembling right arm, and most probably, a defunct one tomorrow. hahaha.

Sorry hor wanderer, Ima try my best to beat you.

2:29 AM
Saturday, February 24, 2007

You could easily say it was a case of divided loyalty.

I used to plan a few steps ahead for myself, maybe a little too far ahead, without realising that the first one or two steps I anticipated might not have happened. And its turning countless, the number of times such planning has backfired. So more often than not, I find myself taking some things for granted, which isn't good at all.

I managed to put on a hard impregnable front on most occasions.

So many times, things happened so badly I could have cried a few gallons of tears, yet my glands held them. There was the decapitation of my mind a few weeks ago, yet my brain managed to produce something to nullify it. How many times have I ruptured my heart on my own, or rather, take into consideration how many times my hearts been pierced by close ones. My emotions are so unstable Im turning deranged.

Cower away in fear, and melt in self-pity.

I must hold my own against all these, and Im seeking the consolation from my fellow friends, not. Yes I will hold my own, myself. The blog is a spot I temporarily release myself from inner stress and pressure, but never a tactical burea where I gain tons of sympathy, which will then add on to my wallowing on my self-pity, which will eventually tear me up. A self detotation move.


I used to have a sense of plenitude, now I dont. Shall I go after those who took it away from me? Am I supposed to have a vengence against them? Or should I actually demand elucidation from them?

Or do i ignore and try manage it on my own?

I will stand, somehow.

The pledge to not go crestfallen, and the promise I made to myself. The more enjoyable being would be one who do not care about whats happening to him/her, and just stay nonchalant. Yet the more fulfulling, though tad unbearable one is the one, in which obstacles stumble him, and he who seeks solutions.

7:36 AM
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The feather floats lightly descendingly
A mere touch of it, contact has been made
Bellowing around it suddenly
Was a raffish yet assuring warmth.
It gave a unwritten but utterly powerful message.
"I shall protect it!"

I actually have a story about this impromtu text, but havent got the time to actually pen it down. Maybe I ll get it down over the weekend, and for now its just back to fretting over matters on a day to day basis. sigh.

6:52 AM
Friday, February 16, 2007

Great. Maxthon actually crashed while I was halfway through my blog post.

Okay so I was saying, I have a bruised right jaw from soccer. And also, my right leg is half shaven, thanks to Benjamin's powerful shot, which sent me into a despairing dive, and the abraison against the court floor caught my hairs unprepared, and they had them kidnapped. Aww. Haha.

Okay, so I was watching the Tyra Banks show just now. And she was giving away all sorts of things; skincare products, expensive bags, diamond studded watches and so on. All sorts of things. She once said that she looked up to Oprah Winfrey and wanted a talk show like hers, and yea, that kinda matter. But the Tyra Banks show and the Oprah Winfrey show, they are just, two different talkshows. Yea they both give away goodies and things. But the there is a huge difference in the things they give. The Oprah Winfrey show gives things that people lack and really require; from what I ve seen, houses were given out to the homeless, toys were given to the deprived children, care was given to the needy, upgrades were given out to those who were brilliant characters in their own ways, and love was also given out to many. Simply put, its a special show. The Tyra Banks show, somehow, just puts me off. It is seemingly modelled after the former I think, and it is an utter giver, of lavish and expensive products, which are not as needed, at all. So giving a diamond studded watch away is very kind, powerful, touching and that kinda thing? And how many times did Tyra even repeat that it was diamond studded, with 16 and not just 15. She did more times than a parrot would. How would getting three different diet-experts of different styles come on the show and ARGUE which is the best way to lose weight help? And why cant she just admit that she is just, truthfully fat. -.- You look at her figure and it shows. BY A HUGE MARGIN. Why does she have to argue that SHE IS NOT. And that "kids have looked up to her, saying they do not need to be thin to be beautiful, and by saying she is fat you ruin the kids impressions." Are you trying to shut people up with that kind of lame excuse? Apparently so. But you have to remember that you are over 160 pounds. You are heavier than me, with a mere two cm over me, vertically. I bet you heard those compliments when you were still a model. You werent anoxeric or anything, you werent bones but you looked pretty good.

Throw the Ellen DeGeneres show into the fray and the Tyra Banks show would pale in comparison. Ellen DeGeneres is very humourous, candid, outspoken, has a distinct personality and is a joy to watch(the show that is). Tyra is boring, puts on really really ugly make up, with that very very obvious red in her lips. I really got put off just now; I was having my dinner at the same time. Really if you do go notice. She jumps around like a crazy girl, and speaks weirdly. God.

Can Channel five actually take out the Tyra Banks show and actually put the Oprah Winfrey show back? If there is still the ongoing of it..

Been really crazy over Yui's music of recent. She s really really brilliant! And shes 19 only. Ahhh. Hahaha.

Kay, I shall wish everyone a happy happy new year and Tyra fans please do not blame me for my candid remarks.


5:04 AM
Thursday, February 15, 2007

For times he mimed
You took it as a show, a splendid performance
But deep down, he knew
It was complete and perfect
For it was real

First person narrator.

I was astounded when you said I hailed from Chung Cheng High Main and have myself in a school like this now. You said this, teacher. And I will never apologise for my being rude to you then, till you apologise for this personal attack.

I think upon myself as being useless at times. Really really useless.

The times you decided to boast about your results, I loved to think about how my PSLE score of 241 was not utterly brilliant, yet it s beaten yours by at least 53 marks.

I love Yellowcard for their lyrics, and so hate Singapore for giving us an ordered yet productive life. I so yearn to study overseas. I would love to live with a few buddies together when I grow up. I miss my family.

I seek an identity.

Broken this fragile thing now
And I cant, I cant pick up the pieces
And I ve thrown my words all around
But I cant give you a reason
(Yellowcard-Only One)

1:03 AM
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Shattered aloud, this broken being
Discarded by, the defence of his mind
You do not pick him up
Wait as he finds it back, on his own

Truly a wake-up call.

First and foremost, a happy happy Valentine's day to everyone! This is the day couples cuddle around, bouquets are being presented to loved ones, and girls find all sorts of excuses to rip their guys off! Haha, joking!

Dictionary.com has a very fitting Word-Of-The-Day for this particular 14-Feb; beau ideal. It means "A perfect or an idealized type or model" for your information. Hmmm.

Was at queensway shopping centre with my mum earlier. Really one of those few moments we get together, and this time it was for the shopping of new year clothing. Okay actually there wasnt much to shop over there, but my picky and choosy character of mine actually lengthened our stay there. Most of the shops were selling the same things, the same designs, with slightly different prices so there weren't much to actually shop for. Ended up buying two pants and one longsleevedshirtwithtie. Doesnt sound like my type of attire eh?

Havent been sleeping enough of late. Really have to get myself energized each morning, by hook or by crook. Guess Im off to study for E.Geog test and A.Maths test, and then off to sleep!

Hmmm, havent really got much interesting topics to blog about of late. Shall gather one and blog about it soon.

Take care and happy V-day! @~ (Imaginary rose, lah, okay)

3:14 AM
Friday, February 09, 2007

I took a reluctant last laugh over you.

we may have quarelled, but it is never a joy to hear of a friend's demise.

cheer up soon.

6:35 AM
Thursday, February 08, 2007


我肯为我的无礼和态度道歉,可我一定坚持我的意见和刚所说的话。我就是那么的坦白。我也不会像有些人,嘴边一直向你道歉,但心里在那诅咒着你。我是不做“lip service”的。我对你的不礼,我会道歉,但我是不会把我所说出去的话给收回来的。反而,我还会坚持着。在你那些气话中,难道你没发现到你突然污辱到了学校,学生,和你自己吗?你也好多次自相矛盾着,却也没发现到。那我们该信你哪些话啊?你把我们说得一文不值的那些话?还是你把我们说得很有潜能的话呢?你说出的话,也使我发觉到你是多么肤浅的一个人。你可以在未来的课上挑我的鸡毛,我也不理会。因为,我觉得你说的话,我信不得,你教的课,我听不得,而看到你太多的虚伪了。再见了,你这用英文教华文的华文老师~~

5:51 AM
Sunday, February 04, 2007

Waves crusade over his soul, dismembering any defence he put up
Now his will and mind get in contact, totally nude after the collapse
Will he ever prevail?
Under the watchful eyes of others..


I passed amaths, barely. hahahah. =) I need to wake earlier man, okay I actually wake early. It's just that I have this uncanny knack of falling asleep even after I wake, especially when Im on my bed. Haha. I now sleep on the upper deck, and how shocked out of my own wits was I when I woke with my face right beside the ladder down. I really jumped lying down. It s those kinda feeling when you get shocked and fear falling down from somewhere. Hahaha.

Anyway, really glad the 'wet season' is finally over! Now my midnight jogs shall come back. Havent done so for quite some time already. Heh.

So, now I sleep with Mum and bro. But that's not really what I want. Of course, me sleeping with bro I dont mind it at all. All I want is, to have my parents back together. Really. Its never nice seeing your parents not talk to each other, not going out together anymore, all past caring for each other. I think Mum still cares. I really think so. Otherwise how do you explain the photo of both of them together in her wallet? Dad.. I dont know what to say. Its actually pretty selfish to inflict onto us the pain you dislike also. And eating into my area, to prove your point. Its not just you feeling awful. I feel worse.. Guess I shall not blurt out much here. But, its already more than two years of seeing such things happen. And I hear people talking about trips with their parents, picnics, pictures taken together, movies together.. Its not easy. Really.

Did you even realise how pretty you looked doing that infront of me? I gleamed. =) Really.

Now lets all get behind Singapore later on! Be it win or lose. Yea!

12:58 AM
Thursday, February 01, 2007

Singapore take a 2-1 win over Thailand; fairly or not? This is what people are disputing over for now. I say, Singapore won fair and square. Simple. The referree makes the decision, he chooses whether to award the penalty. He DECIDED TO. So gei-kiang fans like NORMAN NG(spot The New Paper) can just shut the hell up. Do you even notice how ignorant you sounded or even looked(since its read, ha) by saying "The Thais did a smart thing in walking out" and going on to say they made a strong statement by walking off together. It is you who give murderers who can unaquitted the confidence in continuing the wrong doings. Face the fact brother. The Thais walked off because they did not want to lose the game so late. You say Singapore lacks in Sportsmanship and fair play, and I tell you you lack common sense and intellect. You say the stadium gave the Thai players a booing when they left the field, and it left you ashamed. ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY THEY DESERVE APPLAUSE? For spoiling a cup finals leg, for trying to overtake the referree s position, for being simply put, SORE LOSERS? You dont even know how utterly ridiculous you look. They should have added a profile picture of you since you want your opinion heard so much. (This fella actually sent three identical copies to different newspapers.) And then I shall boo you when I meet you in public. The Thais showed NO sportsmanship. And if you actually noticed, when the Thais walked on the field again, the SINGAPORE PLAYERS on pitch were CLAPPING, and ENCOURAGING THEM ON to play. You say Singapore lacks sportsmanship, IT WAS THE REF WHO GAVE THE PENALTY, not SINGAPORE.

It is unprofessionalism the Thais showed, not some act-righteous thing, like you think you re doing. And I believe you quit DOTA games because you are on the losing team. And you will actually miss court sessions if you are actually sued. Since you think such actions are SMART.

Bye loser.(This guy really got me frustrated)

4:15 AM