Sunday, March 16, 2008
Been thinking about some matters of late.
想了一下··I have decided to stop explaining every move I make because 大家不管做什么都有自己坚持着的东西, be it principles, motives or whatsoever. 可能是有时候得一直解释,开始倦了吧,何况说了大家也必定相信你,反而sometimes things get worse. Yea, that's all.
Jenny's blog amazes me quite subtly. So simple, so delicate, yet it remains immensely thought-provoking, or maybe it is because it is so simple and real that it becomes outstanding and kinda gets us to sit down and think about stuff, stuff that matter. I like how she called 安靜 friction's gift, I really do.
Life's been pretty good. My march holidays weren't exactly well-spent studying but I'll be pretty hardworking. Anyway, I found some stuff while I was packing my room, and they really reminded me that there are people I have let down, so ya.. There're long-overdue promises I haven't kept to, and new ones I've committed to(yea, to you! ha). And I'm pretty darn determined to keep to them this time round.
不想见的人就一直遇见,but I'm kinda done trying to deny or reject any thing they do so I guess all I'll do is make sure I do not get too bothered or get influenced. Yea, that's about it. 这是对自己的承诺,守不住也只是自己“遇害”。Ha.
9:05 AM